Saturday, August 1, 2009

Spectacular Slobber Contest

Those of you who follow dog blogs probably know Honey. She's a gorgeous freestyling Great Dane from New Zealand. One that's hosting a slobber competition right now. Duke may be small, but he makes up for it in drool. Those of you who've met him know what I'm talking about--the boy is known as "Drools" at my local dog park.

This is the face I see by the time I pull food out of the fridge and put it in front of him. Check out the drool bubbles. Not his finest, sometimes they're perfectly matched, but not bad for an impromptu drool performance.

Then there's this gem from the archives. Where's the drool you ask? Look closely at his face...

Yeah. He slimed himself. He drooled and flung it all over his face when he shook his head.

He's my dog and I love him. Drool and all.


Unknown said...

Hi Duke,

Thanks for stopping by - it's so nice to meet you properly and I'm so glad to have found your blog as now I can visit regularly!!

Wow - those are some fantastic drool pictures...I especially like the one where it's wrapped around your mouth...hee! hee! I do that too! Will add you to my list of entries...

Hey - forgive me for asking a stupid question but - are you a Dane? Coz you look like one - lovely brindle coat! - but I noticed in your video where you're showing off your tricks with a nice young lady human...well, you were standing up and walking on your back feet and you could also sit up in the "beg pretty" position really easily - but I don't know any Dane that can do that! Certainly not walk on the hind legs! That's why I was wondering...sorry, I hope that didn't sound rude! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

nital said...

Duke is a Dane mix. Mom was a brindle Dane, dad was the great American fence jumper. Duke is quite petite for a Dane, weighing in at just 70 pounds. He's very Daney, but bouncier and more tolerant of his crazy owner's idea of funny tricks. Though the standing on hind legs and walking was his idea...he very quickly learned that we didn't like him jumping on people, and that was how he choose to greet people instead--we just put it to a command.